Pest Management
Training and Assessment

MPL provides two main options for Training and Assessment.
The two options may also be blended into a mixed-mode delivery. Our courses are generally offered by either “Mixed Mode” “Face to Face” delivery or full correspondence/distance learning.
Full Training and Assessment (Face to Face)
“Mixed mode” includes a “Face to Face” training component of up to 5 full days which will include theory by way of engagement with the trainer and learning materials, as well as written assessments and practical assessment. While some practical training and assessment is included in the classroom courses, the student is expected to gain some practical experience by working in the field or attending practical experience and practical assessment workshops offered by MPL. This also forms part of their Final Assessment.
Option 2. Full Training and Assessment by Correspondence
The Correspondence/Distance learning pathway is where a full complement of training and assessment resources are sent out to you. This is theory work by way of engagement with training resources and industry materials as well as written assessments, practical experience and practical assessment. Practical experience and assessment will need to be completed prior to your Final Assessment.
Option 3. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)
Students who consider that they already possess the competencies identified, in all or part of any course/qualification offered by MPL, may seek recognition. RPL is a method of assessing if you have evidence of competency for a particular unit of competency that you are enrolled in. It is important to remember that RPL is an assessment process not an assumption of competence.
RPL is the determination, on an individual basis, of the competencies obtained by a student through previous formal training, work experience, and/or life experience. RPL therefore determines the consequent advanced standing to which the student is entitled in relation to a course/qualification. The main focus of RPL is what has been learned rather than how, where or when it was learned. RPL focuses on both the demonstration of competence and the currency of that competence to industry standards. Students wishing to undertake RPL should contact our office to obtain a separate application form.
MPL is committed to recognising the AQF qualifications and Statements of Attainment issued by other Registered Training Organisations (RTOs). National recognition comes into effect when a Statement of Attainment or qualification provided by a student has the same national competency codes as those that form part of the training and assessment program within which the student is enrolled or is intending to enrol. Students wishing to apply for National Recognition should contact our office.
About Practical Work Experience and Assessment
Whether you are a Face to Face, Correspondence or RPL student, you will usually complete all initial written tasks at home or any other chosen location. You will then need to attend to the practical requirements of the course. To be fair, reasonable and flexible with our training and assessment, you will need to demonstrate your practical experience. This will reveal whether you are job-ready and will help prepare you for real workplace opportunities. The following options are available:
1. Three (3) – Four (4) Day Practical Experience Workshop with MPL or work in the industry to do Practical Experience tasks with a Licenced Pest Technician.
Practical experience is conducted over three (3) – four (4) days with an MPL Trainer/Assessor and you will cover a variety of practical experiences. Practical experience must include a series of pests (and pest sites) which will be organised for you. This work can also be organised and completed separately with your Workplace Supervisor, whilst working in the industry.
The sites mentioned above are set out in your General Pets (GP) and Timber Pest (TP) Practical Experience Project booklets which is found in your GP or TP Training Kit Folders.
2. Two (2) day Practical Assessment Workshop conducted by MPL Training Centre Pty Ltd is where your Practical Skills will be assessed while undertaking a number of Practical Assessment tasks. Alternatively, you can provide video evidence with your Licenced Pest Technician/Supervisor of these Practical Assessment tasks. Your video evidence should be submitted on a USB for an MPL Training Centre Assessor to assess along with your completed workbooks. Full details will be provided if you choose this option.
Pest Management
“Assessment Only” Pathways
You may be already competent in the area of Pest Control & Management and do not require formal training in some or all of the units of study we offer. You may have had equivalent training and / or assessment, partially or fully, through courses in other parts of Australia. You may also have developed experience from on the job training and individual research, or through a combination of these activities.
In all cases, students will need to provide detailed evidence that supports their previous training and/or assessments, as it pertains to all aspects of each unit of competence required.
Please contact us on (02) 4322 0331 to discuss your individual training and assessment needs.